Sunday, February 21, 2021

Adventure park

Today we are going to Adventure park. It's far and it takes 30 min or half an hour. When                               we got there we had to but ticket i got red so i can do every thing my friend is not allowed because he got blue the is not the taller then the thing. I went on the go kart and i destroy everyone  and the next time i went i came 2nd the guy was pushing me then i was tired so my friends brother made me do the zipline at first i was scared but it was not close to scary and as i was getting start my friend came and he was not to short and he said next time i will have red i said ok . but he was going in go kart he fell and so me and him went together he was on try hard mode he tried to get past me i was dancing he push me by mistake i try to get the thing and i went down the grass and i went in front again so we played in the park it was good but to small my friend went to get money from his mum got 2 dollars i won chocolate then we had pizza i had fanta to then we did all of it again then my mum said time to go home.